Thursday, February 5, 2009

Miniature Stonewall: Last Night - Teen Gay Bashers

how many people have to die because we fail to teach our kids what's important?

Last night, after a wonderful dinner with friends, my partner and I said goodbye to our friends, turned down an offer for a ride home and got on the bus.

We were sitting in the back, having a conversation about how different that part of Brooklyn was from 5 years ago, when anyone would have been frighten to walk around the neighborhood. 3 kids (in their teens) were sitting next to us, throwing chewing gum and candies at each other, being sloppy and loud like typical teenagers, talking about not having a bus pass because they are not attending school.

One of them, skinny, not articulate and obviously the boss of the gang starts complaining that my partner smells bad, ... he wanted to start something. We look at each other and without being too harsh I tell the kid that we are NOT the ones who smell. The other kid, big glasses, hooded large sweater, sitting across from us, gets up and sprays some deodorant on us while the 'boss' tells me that it is not me the one who smells but my 'friend'...

Is it a coincidence that I'm white and tall (and can obviously kick their ass) and my partner is Asian and short?
When I tell them that they are insulting both of us by picking on one, they finally realize we are a couple. The tone switches fast and the two skinny boys start calling names, making jokes and using gay bashing words.

My partner and I felt confident that even if these stupid kids had knifes we would have been fine and although we matched their every word and told them to grow up, we did not want to start a big fight on the bus.
Suddenly, the 3 boy, a big kid who's not attending school anymore, who had been listening and been watching the whole episode, steps in, sits next to my partner, says that he does not smell anything and tells his friends to stop being jerks. Nice to know that at least one of them knew better. It's sad to realize that this new generation is wasting their youth emulating behaviors they probably saw at home, where the easiest target is kicked in the nuts without a reason. My partner and I watched the whole thing unfold right in front of our very eyes and felt sad to see these kids being so unnecessarily stupid, but felt so lucky not to have crossed path with a 10 year older psycho-version of the same kids. We would have been dead.

My question is: Dear Christian Mom, why do we keep teaching your kids that hate is good ?


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